English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The Royal is proud to offer a thriving multi-cultural community where 51 languages are currently spoken. A large proportion of students are drawn from within the local area, both in primary and secondary, and may be native-born but speak other languages at home. In addition, the school is home to large numbers of short and long-term residential students from overseas and also provides boarding care and education to several UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children) students. With such a rich multi-cultural background, EAL students may have particular pastoral, as well as academic needs, and the department has evolved over the years to meet these.
The EAL Department assesses language ability from admission and aims to enable and support EAL students to integrate within the school’s multi-cultural community and feel a parity of esteem. We endeavour to help students to adapt and benefit from their new environment and support them on their academic courses.
Some students may need intensive support in their first steps of language learning and additionally benefit from short but frequent Flash Academy online learning practice at home.
Others may attend Year 9-11 timetabled Option EAL lessons. We develop both General and Academic English to enable them to acquire the language skills needed to live and work at The Royal and to feel at ease using English both inside and outside the school. In addition, some EAL lessons may target and support other curriculum subject areas or courses eg GCSE English Language.
Some students benefit from support in class to access the curriculum and some need support with external school examinations and international EAL examinations such as Pearson’s ESOL, Open Awards, Cambridge First Certificate in English and IELTS.