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All staff at The Royal Primary School regard the development of the whole child as critical. We have high expectations of academic success, but this does not detract from the fact that it is also the personal qualities that we embed in each of our pupils that will ultimately enable them to realise their ambitions and dreams.

In the primary school, it is the class teachers who are responsible for the pastoral care of the pupils in their class, helping each of them to achieve and enjoy what they do. Our most recent school inspection identified this pastoral care as outstanding, noticing that pupils are expected to be well-mannered, courteous and respectful of the feelings of others and that high standards of behaviour and values are maintained.

It is also important that children get pleasure from both their own and others’ achievements. With this in mind, we have several pastoral support mechanisms in place to ensure that we quickly identify the needs of children and their families, addressing any learning or social issues effectively. This may be in the form of whole class activities, a small group intervention, or through 1:1 support delivered by outside agencies with whom we are partnered.

In addition, our cross-curricular approach to the delivery of Personal, Social and Health education (PSHE) encourages awareness of moral values within our pupils, developing self-respect, healthy relationships and an understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and beliefs.

When children need additional support through challenging circumstances, we have skilled staff who can deliver a number of therapeutic support programmes as we do not wish for any emotional barriers to prevent them from learning.

We recognise that, in addition to quality first teaching, some pupils will at times require additional support. At The Royal School, this is provided in a variety of ways to meet needs in the areas of cognition and learning, communication and interaction, sensory and physical development, our social, emotional or mental health needs. 

At primary school, staff support pupils using approaches such as: 

  • Fluid focus groups in which pupils address a misconception, with a member of staff in a small group. 
  • Preteaching and over-learning: To address a specific need, pupils receive specific individualised tasks, often set as homework, in order to boost access to a new topic to be studied in class.  
  • Sensory support:  Pupils with sensory needs have needs met through a variety of in-class adjustments that can include sensory or movement breaks and various other support strategies. 
  • SEMH needs: The school uses a range of support mechanisms and has access to skilled practitioners, including mentors, animal assisted therapy, Lego therapy and bereavement support.