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Welcome to Accent Catering at the Royal School

All pupils have the choice of a wide variety of hot meals, vegetarian options or sandwiches in both Primary and Senior School that are freshly prepared on site.

Biometric System

The school operates a cashless payment system allowing pupilsl to pay for their lunches and snacks without the need to carry money.  All pupils from Y5 upwards will have their finger scanned once permission has been obtained from parents or carers. Each student's account can be topped up using the School Gateway payment system by debit or credit card, alternatively cash can be paid at school directly by students to one of the cash machines found in the senior school building. For our younger pupils, catering staff use individual photos to register payments for lunches.

Special dietary requirements

We are able to cater for the individual requirements of any pupil who must follow a special diet for medical or faith-based reasons, please ensure you communicate with the school any allergies or dietary needs so that we can make sure accommodation is in place as soon as possible. We are a completely ‘nut and traces of nut free’ school and ask that all packed lunches are free from any nuts or 'may contain nuts', as described on food packets.

pupils collecting lunch from the servery

Packed lunches
If for any reason you choose not to purchase meals directly from school and wish to bring a packed lunch from home, we ask that you follow the guidelines listed below, as outlined by the Government. Following this guidance will enable the school to keep those pupils with potentially life-threatening allergies safe and encourage pupils to have a healthy balanced diet.

Free School Meals

Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals provided by the Government, also known as Universal Free School Meals. From Year 3 onwards parents can pay for lunches via the School Gateway app. However, you may be entitled to income-assessed free school meals. To check eligibility and apply for free school meals, please go to


Senior School Menus





Primary School Menu