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Year 5

This is the first year of Upper KS2 and children move to the Year 5 and 6 block.  The curriculum becomes more challenging and exciting as children apply complex ideas to everyday experiences.  For example, a visit to Drayton Manor is used to investigate forces! 

Sport plays a major role in school life and a greater number of opportunities to participate in sporting events and fixtures begin in Year 5.


PE timetable

Pupils will take part in weekly physical activities on the following days:

Activity Day
Games Friday
PE/Swimming Monday


Summary of experiences/trips undertaken in this year group.

Term Trip/Experience
Autumn Ancient Eygpt Workshop, Science Lab Workshop
Spring Year 5 Tudor Experience Day, Safe Side Trip, Planetarium Experience
Summer Allotment Experience Day, Drayton Manor 

For more information about learning in Year 5, download the curriculum booklet.

Year 5 - Learning Journey