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Wider Curriculum


We have an extensive PE department, offering a huge range of sports for our youngsters. Pupils take part in a minimum of 2 active lessons per week, but many opt to attend further activities through our enrichment programme after school.

Taking a risk through participation in fixtures and galas is encouraged and helps build confidence and resilience. Opportunities to take part in local network events and inter-school competitions are plentiful.

From Reception, pupils begin weekly swimming lessons in our state-of-the-art 25m pool. Pupils have lessons throughout primary and those who excel have the opportunity to develop their skills further through squad sessions or even the Elite Swim Team.


Music plays an integral part in the life of the school and many children play at least one instrument. Musical events feature prominently in the termly calendar of events.

From Reception, pupils have weekly singing sessions for 30 minutes a week. A specialist music teacher works with pupils in Years 1-4 to deliver a topic-based music curriculum, with Year 5 and Year 6 pupils having 30-minute weekly lessons in music.

Wolverhampton Music service provides weekly 1 hour sessions for Year 3, giving them a taste of a wide range of instruments, with many choosing to have 1:1 lessons following on from these sessions.


At The Royal Primary School personal, social and health economic education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. It also introduces them to some of the principles of financial planning and understanding. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), is a statutory part of the school curriculum.  Within the Primary School, we focus on using our school values to teach our children how to have healthy and safe relationships with families, friends and online. At the end of each year, a unit of work is taught about change and moving on, to support all children as they progress through the school and grow into adulthood as part of their Royal School journey. For more information, please read our RSE policy, downloadable below.


The Royal School is home to children of many different faiths and we learn about all of these.  As children progress through the school, they have the opportunity to share their own experiences and learn about the many cultures we embrace.  The school has specific celebration days each term, linked to one of the 5 major world religions, where we learn about that faith.  In addition, RE is taught every week as part of the curriculum and our children use their school values to understand and embrace the diversity of our community.