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Medical Needs

Medical information for illnesses

If your child suffers from asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis or any other serious long-term illness, you must provide the school with full details. All staff attend annual training in administering treatment for asthma and anaphylaxis. Please ensure that you inform the school immediately of any medical updates or changes.

Medication in school

It is preferable that medication is given at home. There are times, however, when medicine will need to be administered in school. We will only administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. A consent form must be signed by the parent before we can take receipt of the medication. A small refrigerator is available for the safe storage of prescribed medication.

If your child has asthma, the school must have two prescribed inhalers onsite, one of these will be kept in the school office (primary) and medical centre (senior).  Parents/carers must ensure that all inhalers are in date.

We have a nursing sister on duty throughout the day. She is based in the Medical Centre in Senior School, and she will be on hand to assess any accidents which occur, other than the usual playground bumps and grazes. In each phase of the school, there are several members of staff with first aid qualifications.

Stomach upsets

Please note that children should be absent from school for 48 hours following the last incidence of sickness or diarrhoea. Following their return, pupils will not be permitted to swim for a full 7 days.


Should your child receive a bump to the head parents will be notified, either through completion of a medical slip or phone call home, however minor the event. Should there be signs of bruising or distress, parents will be contacted and invited to come into school and check their child. For more serious bumps and grazes, parents will be contacted and informed of the incident. Please understand that although this may seem to be over-cautious, we must err on the side of caution.

In the case of a serious accident, we will call an ambulance first and parents second. The safety and well-being of the pupil is our primary concern.

Should your child become ill during the course of the day, we will contact parents/carers and ask them to collect. If your child is uncomfortable enough to warrant a dose of paracetamol in the morning before school, we do ask that you consider keeping your child at home. If this is not possible, please inform us that your child has received medication before coming to school. paracetamol and other home remedies can mask more serious underlying conditions.

Infectious Diseases

In the case of infectious disease, we do ask that you inform the school immediately once the condition is diagnosed. If your child is infectious, please do not bring them into school.

General Rule of Thumb

If a child is not well enough to go outside at break times, they are not well enough to be in school. Special allowances will be made in exceptional cases. i.e. broken limbs.


It is an expectation that all pupils will take part in weekly swimming and PE/Games lessons. They must have the correct kit in school. If your child is unable to take part due to ill health, you must put this in writing to PE staff to excuse them from the lesson. If they miss more than 2 lessons a doctor’s note will be required.

Emergency Medical Treatment

On admission to the school, all parents are required to inform us of any special health requirements their child may have, which also includes consent for emergency medical attention.

During their time in school if a child requires more than basic first aid, the school nurse will be contacted for advice. If it is felt that a pupil requires medical treatment for either illness or injury, every effort will be made to contact the parents for them to accompany their child to hospital. In the event of this not being possible, a member of staff familiar to the child will accompany them to hospital.

Medical Appointments

We require all medical and dental appointments to be arranged outside of school hours. Should there be ongoing medical appointments or the need for time off due to a medical issue then a letter stating this from a medical professional is required.

Without the appropriate notice and documentation, children will not be allowed to leave School for appointments. We require at least 48 hours’ notice (unless it is a medical emergency) and a copy of the appointment card/Hospital letter must be brought into School.

Contact us:

Senior School: 01902 341230

Primary School: 01902 349100